An up-to-date, professional tenancy agreement or licence agreement for letting your property.
To rent out your property you will need a tenancy agreement for your tenants to sign. If you are letting a room or annexe, you will need a licence agreement. This establishes a secure legal footing for your agreement, protecting you should anything go wrong. It is important to use the correct kind of agreement (licence or tenancy), and that it is up to date with all current housing and rental laws and guidelines.
We can provide one for you.
Our tenancy or licence agreement is drawn up and regularly updated by University of Cambridge solicitors, so it is professional and current. We sell them in pairs - one for you and one for your tenant/lodger.
A set of licence agreements is available for £25 (plus £3 P&P if we post them to you).
A set of tenancy agreements is available for £30 (plus £3 P&P if we post them to you).
Please contact us at the office for your copy.