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Accommodation Service

Studying at Cambridge


How to advertise your property

How does it work?

Start by registering as a landlord. Add details of your properties/rooms – we’ll need a description of what you’re offering. Details such as distance to town/university, local amenities, public transport and so on are all useful, given that many people seeking accommodation on our website are new to Cambridge. Adding good quality photographs increases your chances of finding a tenant.  Please highlight if your property is wheelchair accessible and/or has an accessible bathroom.
Advertise your properties/rooms as they become available. Prospective tenants will contact you directly to arrange viewings.  You may be contacted by prospective tenants who are unable to visit the property themselves; please consider this when advertising the property. It is quite acceptable to wish to meet your prospective tenant prior to agreeing a tenancy. Any tenancy obtained by our website is a direct transaction between Landlord and Tenant.
Let us know when you have signed a contract with a tenant so that we can update our listings. Once you’ve found a tenant, your advertisement will be withdrawn from the website. We’ll keep the property details on our system, ready for the next time you need to advertise.
We are able to advertise properties managed by letting agents, but they must not charge our clients administration fees. Sometimes landlords may wish to pay these agency fees on their tenants’ behalf, in order to obtain access to agency management services.

Who are the tenants?

All prospective tenants using the Accommodation Service are members of the University of Cambridge, or of an affiliated institution. They include:
  • Staff
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Academics
  • Visiting scholars
They may be staying in Cambridge for anything from a few days to several years, and may be individuals, couples or families. 


There will is an administration fee payable for each occasion that you wish to advertise your property on our website:
Per room - £30
Per whole property - £60
Payment will be online, or at our office by cheque - we are unable to accept cash, or by post, with a cheque payable to the University of Cambridge.