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Accommodation Service

Studying at Cambridge


Let your Property

Cambridge street

Offer your property for let

You can offer your property to University affiliated tenants through our service. We need a diverse range of accommodation, and we need it for all sorts of time periods. We have specific, restricted access listings. These are visible only to University members approved by the service, who are currently seeking a home, but not to the general public or to other landlords. Our restricted access listings are for lets of approximately 3 weeks or more. We charge a small administration fee - please see here for more information.

We are always looking for more landlords, offering rooms within five miles, and whole properties within ten miles, of Cambridge city centre. If you would like more information, please contact us.  You can list your property once you have registered as the property owner.  Please take photographs of every room for uploading, and provide copies of the relevant certificates, such as Energy Performance (EPC), Gas, Electrical safety. Please indicate if your property is Wheelchair accessible and if it has an accessible bathroom.

To let your property through our Service, you must be the registered owner of the property and have permission to let the property (without restricted covenants).  Or you must provide evidence that you have permission to let the property, or the owner's permission to let the property through us. You must also provide evidence that you have all required Compliance documents, that you are using a Deposit Protection scheme if you are requesting a deposit from your tenant and that youare utilising a suitable Tenancy Agreement or Licence to Occupy. Anyone using our Service accepts full responsibility and liability to ensure compliance with all relevant UK legislation.  In addition, as a landlord or owner you are expected to comply with any local requirements such as a landlord or property registration, HMO registration, which might be in place within the City, County or Parish Councils.  We require landlords and owners to provide evidence of the legal certificates in force at the time of using our service and to be updated.  Failure to do so by the landlord or owner will not be accepted as the responsibility of the Accommodation Service or the University of Cambridge.

If you are the agent of the property owner, please email us first:

B&Bs, guesthouses & serviced apartments

We also host listings for very short-term accommodation such as B&Bs and Guesthouses. These listings appear under the Visiting Cambridge section of our website, and can be seen by anyone, including the general public. If you would like to advertise this type of accommodation, visit our registration page for Bed & Breakfasts, guesthouses and serviced apartments.



Register as a landlord

Accommodation for rent

List a property for rent to registered University clients in our restricted listings.


B&Bs, guesthouses & serviced apartments

Advertise your place to stay in our public directory.
