How likely is it that I will be offered accommodation?
Once you've joined the waiting list and we know your individual circumstances and requirements, we may be able to assess how likely it is you'll be offered a property.
For example, if you live outside the Cambridgeshire area you are more likely to be offered a property than someone who has been living in Cambridge for more than a year.
We usually offer a property 10-12 weeks in advance of the move-in date, once we know the intentions of current tenants.
Most properties are let on an academic year cycle, which starts in September. However, there are some properties that become available at other points in the year.
How quickly do I need to accept a property offer?
Offers are only valid for 48 hours. Please ensure that you have read the sample tenancy agreement in advance so that you are in a position to accept the offer as quickly as possible.
What happens if I don't reply to the property offer within 48 hours?
If you don't reply, the property will be offered to someone else. You will still be on the waiting list and may be offered another property if one becomes available. If you have been offered three properties and either declined all the offers or allowed them to expire, we may remove you from the waiting list.
What happens after I've accepted the offer?
Once you have paid the holding deposit of 1 week's rent, you have confirmed your acceptance to the terms of the Tenancy and the property will not be offered to anyone else. You will then have 14 days to sign the full Tenancy Agreement, to pay the balance of the deposit and to confirm the move-in date.
How much will my deposit be?
You will be required to pay a deposit equivalent to five weeks' rent (less any holding deposit already paid) as soon as possible after you have accepted the offer.
If we haven't received your deposit within 14 days of you accepting the offer, we will assume that you no longer want the property and will offer it to someone else. In this case, your holding deposit may be forfeited (subject to the provisions of Schedule 2 to the Tenant Fees Act 2019).
If you have difficulty in paying the deposit for any reason, please contact the Accommodation Service.
Your total deposit, which includes the holding deposit, will be refunded to you at the end of the Tenancy, providing that you have met the terms of your Agreement.
Payments can be made online.
How do I decline an offer?
Please login to the site to decline an offer as soon as possible. This will allow us to offer the place to someone else straight away. If you do not respond within 48 hours, your offer will be automatically withdrawn.
Once you have accepted an offer information about your tenancy will be available in the ‘My Account’ section on this site.
Can I still search the private property adverts if I'm on the waiting list?
You can search the private property adverts at any point until you have accepted an offer on the waiting list. Once you have accepted an offer you will no longer be able to search for a private property.
What do I do if I find a private property while I'm on the waiting list?
You must let us know that you no longer require a University property. You can do this by logging in to your Accommodation Service account and removing yourself from the waiting list in the preferences section.
I am moving with my family - what is my best option?
University property may be the best option for you, as you can be assured of a good standard and have confidence in your landlord.
Otherwise it may be prudent for you to come over and look at properties while you stay in temporary accommodation (such as a Bed & Breakfast or hotel), having arranged viewings before you arrive. Once you have seen somewhere suitable and agreed a moving in date then your family can join you. It usually takes about 3 days from viewing rooms that you like to being able to move in, and a little longer for houses or flats.
When is the best time to arrive in Cambridge to look?
Avoid the Christmas and New Year period and other bank holidays when University and city agencies may be closed.
Do you have a list of accommodation for very short visits?
Yes, here.
What are the advantages of being in a University property rather than a privately-owned one?
University-owned properties offer good value for money in Cambridge. Many of them are in purpose-built in communities, specially designed to meet the needs of people connected to the University. They are managed and maintained to a high standard by the Accommodation Service and protected 24/7 by the University security team.
How long can I rent a property for?
Most University properties are let for a period of 12 months, which may be renewed for a maximum period of five years, subject to eligibility and a satisfactory tenancy. This period of time applies equally to couples or those who have enjoyed a Sharing arrangement where both parties work for the University, with a maximum tenure of five years. That is, no individual may live in a University-owned residence for more that five years. All tenancy renewals are subject to eligibility requirements, employment status, satisfactory property inspections and the rent being paid on time.
Can I stay on longer in my property?
Approximately 3-4 months before the end of your first 12 month tenancy, you will be contacted by a member of the Accommodation Service team and given the option to extend your contract for an additional year. If you wish to extend, you must be able to prove that you have a job with the University for a minimum of 12 months. Please note that there will be a rent increase with each renewal and your stay will not be extended after 5 years.
Please do note that for any offer of a new tenancy contraxt to be made, you must remain eligible; that is, you must cintinue to be a member of the University or a recognised afficliated institutiion, with a current contract of emplyment or confirmed, verifiable study period. You must notofy us immediately if your employment, study or Visiting status changes in any way.
Can I move out of my property before the current tenancy has expired?
It is possible to leave your property before the tenancy has expired. However, as you signed a fixed term contract, you will remain liable for the rent and utilities until we agree with you and confirm a date when your tenancy will end. Please contact the Accommodation Service if you are thinking about leaving your property early so that we can explain the options to you. Please ask for details of our Early Leaver Procedure.
Should I obtain Household Insurance when I move into a University-owned property?
We very strongly recommend that you obtain Household Contents Insurance, including 3rd party cover, when you begin your new tenancy. If you cause damage to the property through your own actions or inactions, or if damage is caused to your own possesions(even through no fault of your own), or if you cause damage to items belonging to others, you are likely to be held responsible for this. We further recommend that you include your bicycle, if you own one, in your policy details.
Sample tenancy agreement
Download our sample property tenancy agreement.
Why do I have to join a waiting list to be considered for a university property?
There are more applicants than there are properties available, so we need to be able to allocate them to the people that need them most in the fairest and most efficient way. People are more likely to find the property that meets their needs in this way. Completing the form tells us you are interested in a University property.
What kind of information do you collect on the waiting list form?
On the waiting list form, we need to know:
- The location(s) where you would like to live. To maximise your chances of being offered a property, we recommend that you tick as many locations as possible. A greyed-out option means that there are no properties that meet your household requirements in that location.
- Your moving-in date. You could be offered a property with a start date up to 15 days before to 15 days after the date you specify. Rent payments are calculated from the day that the property is made available to you.
- Whether you require a ground floor property, or not.
How do you decide what size of property to offer me?
The size of property you will be eligible for is based on the details you provided about your household when you first registered with the Accommodation Service.
Single occupants and couples will be offered a 1 bedroom property.
Families with children will be offered 1 bedroom for a couple/single parent, plus1 bedroom per child.
What happens after I've completed the waiting list form?
We need to check that you are eligible (for example, some properties are only available to students or staff) and we need to assess your household requirements.
For example, if you have been living in Cambridge for more than a year you are less likely to be added to the list than someone who lives outside the Cambridgeshire area.
We'll aim to let you know whether or not you've been added to the waiting list within 7 days.
Although we always aim to allocate accommodation fairly and as close to your requirements as availability allows, we have certain priorities when dealing with the waiting list to determine who is made an offer first.
Can I change my requirements?
Once you're on the waiting list, you can review and change your requirements at any time within the University waiting list section.
Can I request a specific property or room?
No. However you can get a good sense of the size and scale of the accommodation by looking at the photos and floorplans on this site. Within each location, the properties are all very similar and maintained to a consistently high standard by the University.
I've been added to the waiting list - what next?
You will receive an email and a text message to let you know when you've been offered a property. You will need to log back in to view the full details of the property, including the start date, rent and full address. The offer will only be valid for 48 hours so it's very important that you make sure all your personal details are kept up to date in your account area. We strongly recommend that you check your junk mail during this period.
Although there are no guarantees that you will receive an offer of a property, we will try and give you an accurate forecast to allow you to make plans.
How safe is the information I provide to you?
You will only have an active account on the site for as long as you are eligible, actively seeking accommodation or a tenant at one of the properties.
Other parties, including other landlords and the general public, cannot see your details at all.
Your contact details are protected by the University of Cambridge privacy policy.
Our web site is hosted on the University of Cambridge servers by the University Information Service (UIS) and conforms to their security standards.
Salary and Income checks
By law, the amount of rent you pay to your landlord who is also your employer, is taken into consideration in respect of your salary income. This means that if the rent you pay were deducted from your salary (even if it is not) and this results in your income falling below the National Minimum Wage, the landlord should not rent the property to you.
We therefore ask applicants for information about their University salary to check for compliance with the National Minimum Wage legislation, as well as to comply with our local council Planning Application (Section 206) requirements.