THIS AGREEMENT is made on 14 March 2025 BETWEEN:
  1. THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, Estate Management, Greenwich House, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0TX ("Landlord"); and
  2. Client name, Client current address  ("Tenant")

  1. The parties acknowledge that the Tenant has paid to the Landlord on the above date the sum of £Holding deposit amount as a holding deposit ("Holding Deposit") in relation to a lease of premises at Property address.
  2. The Landlord acknowledges receipt of the Holding Deposit.
  3. The Landlord’s holding of the Holding Deposit is governed by the provisions of Schedule 2 to the Tenant Fees Act 2019.


For and behalf of the Landlord


For and behalf of the Tenant

DATED     14 March 2025


Client name (2)


Relating to
Property address

This agreement is intended to create an assured shorthold tenancy, regulated by the provisions of the Housing Act 1988 as amended. It sets out your rights and duties as tenant of this property, and our rights and duties owed to you as your landlord. It should be signed at the end by both of us to confirm that we agree with it.

If there is an existing tenant in the property at the time this agreement is signed, note that this agreement is subject to vacant possession being provided by that tenant (or tenants if there is more than one). If the tenant refuses to move out, then this agreement will not take effect.

You should not sign this agreement unless you are sure you understand it. Read it carefully. If there is anything you do not understand, you should speak to a solicitor, or a reputable advice agency such as Shelter or the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), who will explain it to you.

This is an important legal document and you should keep it safe. If anything goes wrong with your tenancy you will need it, particularly if you have to go to court.

Notice regarding your Right to Rent

We, the landlord, are required by law to carry out checks on all prospective occupiers (including named tenants and all adult occupiers who are not named tenants) to ensure that they have the right to rent property in England.

If these checks have not been carried out at the time this Agreement is signed, then this Agreement is conditional upon Right to Rent checks showing that you and all members of your household (as listed below) have a right to rent.

If you are unable to satisfy these checks then this Agreement will not take effect.

Further if the right to rent checks prove unsatisfactory and this Agreement does not go ahead we will be entitled to compensation until we find new tenants.

Members of the Tenant’s Household

The additional persons (if any) who are permitted to live in the property (as referred to in clauses 5.8, 9.1.1 and 9.1.2) are:

Family members list

Collectively referred to as the members of the tenant’s household in this Agreement.

Persons permitted to occupy the property:

The total number of persons living in the property at any one time, including named tenants, members of the tenant’s household and any children, must not exceed Number of tenants.

Your email: Client email address(es)

If you have signed below we will normally communicate with you at this email address. By signing, you also agree that we may serve notices and other legal documents (including the government’s How to Rent checklist) upon you electronically at the above email address.

Signed:{{s_ts}}                                                  Dated:{{s_td}}                        

DATED     14 March 2025




"the Landlord"

Estate Management, Greenwich House, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0TX


"the Tenant"

Client name
Client current address




"the Building"

the building at Property address


"the Common Parts"

the pedestrian ways forecourts car parks bicycle sheds gardens landscaped areas entrance halls landings staircases passages toilets kitchens communal laundry facility and other areas which are from time to time during the Term provided by the Landlord for the common use and enjoyment by the tenants and occupiers of the Building and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by them


"the Deposit"

£Deposit amount (Deposit in words pounds) is paid by the Tenant to the Landlord


"the Furniture, Appliances and Effects"

all the furniture, appliances and effects as are described in the Inventory signed by the parties and annexed hereto as Schedule B


"the Market Rent"

£Open market rent amount («OpenMarketRentInWords» pounds) per calendar month


"the Premises"

Flat number House number situated on the Floor number of the Building


"the Rent"

£Rent amount (Rent in words pounds) per calendar month


"the Term"

Start date after 14.00 hours on the day until End date no later than 12.00 noon


"Interest Rate"

three per cent per annum above the base rate of the Bank of England (or the nearest equivalent if such base rate ceases to exist at any time) or such lesser rate as the Landlord may require


"the University Regulations"

the regulations of Lodge Property Services and the University of Cambridge for the time being in force including any regulations relating to the Premises which shall include those at Schedule C


THE Landlord lets and the Tenant takes the Premises TOGETHER WITH the Furniture, Appliances and Effects TOGETHER ALSO WITH the rights specified in Schedule A to this Agreement the Term at the Rent and upon the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement


THE Premises and the Furniture and Effects shall be held by the Tenant for the Term


THE Tenant shall pay for the Premises and the Furniture, Appliances and Effects the Rent, such Rent to be paid monthly in advance on the First day of each calendar month and to be paid at the discretion of the Landlord by direct debit payments to the University’s bank account PROVIDED THAT the first payment apportioned for the remainder of the current calendar month shall be made on the signing hereof


If the Tenant fails to pay the Rent or other sum due within 14 days of the due date the Tenant shall pay interest on such rent or other sums at the Interest Rate from the date on which payment fell due to the date of actual payment (whether before or after judgment)


If the Tenant is no longer employed by the University or an affiliated institution and is therefore ineligible to rent a University property:


the Tenant shall give written notice to the University as soon as they are no longer so employed; and


(whether or not the Tenant has complied with clause 4.3.1) for the period from and including the date of the termination of that employment until the end of the tenancy, the Rent payable in consideration of the tenancy shall be the Market Rent, and the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord within 14 days of demand all arrears of Rent which have accrued under this clause, with interest at the Interest Rate


THE Tenant AGREES with the Landlord as follows:


To pay the Rent on the due dates and in manner aforesaid without any deduction and not to use the Deposit to offset any rent payable under this Agreement


To pay any Council Tax or any other local Government or national tax or outgoings levied on occupiers and relating to the Premises during the Term


To enter into direct contracts with the relevant utility companies for the provision of the telephone and broadband and the supply of water gas and electricity to the Premises and to pay on demand all telephone charges and rental and all charges for water gas and electric current supplied to the Premises during the Term and to retain the services for the benefit of the Landlord on the termination of the tenancy the Tenant being liable for any disconnection or reconnection charges incurred in respect of such services caused by the default of the Tenant. The Tenant shall provide copies of final paid utility bills within 5 working days of the end of the tenancy however determined


Not to change the Core heating or hot water supply to the Premises at Eddington (or such other supplier as is notified to the Tenant by the Landlord) and to notify the Landlord immediately upon any change of the broadband, gas, electricity, water, oil supplier or any other utility supplier to the Premises and to supply to the Landlord with the details of the new supplier and the account number as soon as they are received


To pay to the Landlord on demand an apportioned part of any account for electricity, gas, oil and any telephone rental and charges relating to a period partly before or after the termination of the tenancy or before the appropriate contract is entered into with the statutory authority as aforesaid


Throughout the Term to pay to the Landlord on demand all water and sewerage charges where such charges are recharged by the Landlord in respect of the Premises


To keep the Premises clean and to keep the interior of the Premises including where applicable the paint, wallpaper, decorations, fireplaces, window fittings, sash cords and glass, doors and door furniture in good decorative condition


To defrost any refrigerator and freezer provided by the landlord once every three months


Not to re-decorate the Premises or any part of it internally (so as to change the decorative scheme) or externally without the Landlord’s prior written permission


Not to damage the furniture or walls of the Premises with any blue tack, nails, pins, glue, sellotape, stickers or other adhesive substance


To replace all broken glass, fuses, batteries, light bulbs and fluorescent tubes and starters as and when necessary, ensuring all reasonable safety precautions are observed


To keep the Furniture, Appliances and Effects in good condition, and not to remove any of the Furniture, Appliances and Effects from the Premises without express written permission from the Landlord


Not to use or keep in the Premises any type of stove heater or lamp burning paraffin or any other type of oil fuel nor to use any electrical apparatus or other equipment of a type or in a condition which might endanger the safety of the Premises


To make good any stoppage or damage to all drains traps and gullies which shall be caused by the negligence of the Tenant or members of the Tenant’s household or visitors and so that every such stoppage or damage shall be presumed to have been caused by such negligence unless the Tenant shall prove the contrary to the reasonable satisfaction of the Landlord


To keep the Premises at all times well and sufficiently aired and warmed during the tenancy and to take all such precautions as may be necessary to prevent water pipes sinks WCs and cisterns within the Premises becoming damaged by frost and in the event of any damage being so caused to make good such damage at the Tenant’s own expense


To report all defects relating to the Premises to the Landlord in writing and in a timely manner


Within one month of notice (or such lesser period as is reasonable in the case of emergency) being given by the Landlord of any defects which are the Tenant’s responsibility or other breaches of this Agreement to make the necessary repairs or remedy the breach complained of. In the event of the Tenant failing to repair such defects or remedy the breach complained of the Landlord shall be at liberty to repair the same


Not at any time to cause or permit to be caused any nuisance annoyance or inconvenience to the Landlord or the neighbouring owners or tenants and not to do nor permit to be done on the Premises anything which may invalidate the insurance at present held by the Landlord nor cause any increased or extra premium to be paid and in particular not to keep in the Premises any inflammable or dangerous or offensive materials or substances


Not to make any noise audible in the Building or outside the Premises between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. nor at any time permit any person or children under the control of the Tenant to loiter or play in or about the entrance stairs or passages in the Common Parts nor use the said entrance stairs otherwise than as a means of approach and egress into or from the Premises


Not to cause any obstruction nor leave any goods footwear furniture rubbish children’s toys bicycles prams or pushchairs in the Common Parts


To keep the door to the communal laundry facility secured at all times and to keep the facility clean and tidy at all times and to limit use of the facility to between the hours of 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. where applicable the key to the facility to be surrendered to the Landlord at the end of the tenancy such key not to be loaned to or copied by the Tenant or a third party


To make good any damage caused by the Tenant (or third parties there with the Tenant’s permission) to the Building or any property of other tenants in the Building and indemnify the Landlord against all actions claims costs and demands and all losses incurred in connection therewith


Not to change any locks, combinations or codes for entry. The Tenant may request a replacement key or security device to access the Premises at the cost set out in Scale of Charges at Schedule C. If a locksmith is required to visit the Premises the Tenant will be required to pay the cost of the replacement key or security device as well as the hourly charge out rate of the locksmith


To ensure that any smoke or Carbon Monoxide alarms in the Premises are working by testing them monthly and that where necessary any batteries are replaced and that alarms are not disconnected


Not to smoke (including the use of Electronic Cigarettes) or use candles or oil burners nor to permit others to smoke or use candles or oil burners in any part of the Premises the Building or the Common Parts


If a washing machine is provided within the Premises to ensure that connections are fitted correctly at all times and to limit use of the machine to between the hours of 8am to 10pm


To provide and use a good quality mattress protector on any beds provided by the Landlord at the Premises


Not to make any alterations or additions to the Premises and not to damage any of the walls or timbers of the Premises or the Building


To abide by and uphold the University Regulations notified to the Tenant in writing from time to time by the Landlord provided that nothing in such Regulations shall purport to amend the terms of this Agreement and in the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and such Regulations the terms of this Agreement shall prevail


Not to hold or permit to be held any sale by auction in the Premises or any part thereof nor to use or permit to be used for any business purposes the Premises or any part thereof nor use the same for the purpose of practicing singing or practicing musical instruments or giving music singing or dancing lessons


To give notice to the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents of any infectious or contagious disease happening or breaking out in the Premises during the tenancy and thoroughly disinfect to the satisfaction of the Chief Medical Officer each part of the Premises which the Tenant shall have occupied or come into contact or, in the event of the Tenant failing to carry out such disinfection, the Landlord shall be at liberty to carry out or arrange the same and the Tenant shall compensate the Landlord against all claims costs and demands incurred or suffered by reason of the Premises becoming infected or unhealthy


To give notice to the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents of any occurrence of bed bugs happening or breaking out in the Premises during the tenancy and thoroughly disinfect to the satisfaction of the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents each part of the Premises which the Tenant shall have occupied or come into contact or, in the event of the Tenant failing to carry out such disinfection, the Landlord shall be at liberty to carry out or arrange the same and the Tenant shall compensate the Landlord against all claims, costs and demands incurred or suffered by reason of the Premises becoming infected


To give notice to the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents of any occurrence of mice, wasps or other pest happening or breaking out in the Premises during the tenancy and to rid the Premises of such occurrence or outbreak and, in the event of the Tenant failing to do, the Landlord shall be at liberty to carry out or arrange the same and the Tenant shall compensate the Landlord against all claims, costs and demands incurred or suffered by reason of such occurrence


Not to use or permit the Premises to be used for any illegal purposes and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of this sub-clause) not to allow drugs of any type to be taken kept or used on the Premises except such which may be authorised or prescribed by a duly qualified medical practitioner


Not to keep or allow to be kept in the Premises or any other part of the Building firearms of any description (including but not limited to guns, rifles, air rifles, pistols, automatic weapons) with or without shells or cartridges, or explosive devices or dangerous weapons of any nature. This applies equally to those firearms covered by a special Licence as well as to those not requiring any form of Licence. Permission will not be granted to hold and store any guns, weapons or cartridges


To pay for all television licences or television supply charges in respect of equipment for the use of the occupier of the Premises


Not to crop, prune or cut down remove or otherwise injure any trees shrubs or plants growing upon the landscaped areas in the Common Parts or to alter the general character of the garden


Not to remove or damage any of the fences surrounding the Common Parts


Not to erect any TV aerial satellite receiver or radio mast on the Premises or the Building or within the Common Parts


To use only smokeless fuel in the open fireplaces (if any) and to maintain a fireguard on all lit fires at all times


To have all (if any) of the chimneys and flues belonging to the Premises thoroughly swept and cleansed as often as necessary and in the final month of the tenancy to have them swept to a professional standard and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Landlord


To clean the inside and where possible the outside of all the windows of the Premises at least once in every three months during the tenancy


Not to park any car or other vehicles in any part of the Common Parts unless the Tenant is allocated with a parking licence for a designated area by the Landlord


Not to keep or park a bicycle or motorcycle or any other vehicle in any part of the Premises the Building or the Common Parts except in the bicycle sheds or areas designated for such use by the Landlord


That the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents or servants shall not be held liable for any damage or loss however caused including damage or loss to property caused by the negligence of the Landlord or the Landlord’s agents or servants in respect of any vehicle or bicycle parked in the Common Parts and that such vehicles or bicycles are parked entirely at the owner’s risk


Not to expose for drying or any other purpose any linen clothing or clothes or articles of apparel or any other articles of any kind inside the Premises nor outside the windows of the Premises but only to use any clothes line provided for such purpose


Not to keep or permit to be kept upon the Premises any cats dogs pets birds reptiles fish or other animals save for an animal which is recognised as an approved medical assistance animal (and then only with the Landlord’s prior written consent, to be provided at the Landlord’s absolute discretion)


If any animal is kept either with or without consent being given under clause 5.39 the Tenant agrees to give back the Premises free from fleas or any other pest at the end of the Tenancy. The Tenant will be liable to compensate the Landlord for any losses suffered due to the presence of fleas in the Premises


To keep any animal for whom the Landlord has given written consent under control at all times


To keep the garden and the Premises and any adjoining properties free from fouling by any animal authorised by the Landlord during the Tenancy and at the end of the Tenancy


To keep the private garden (if any) clean tidy and free from weeds with any grass cut weekly during the growing season


Not to keep or store rubbish in any part of the Building or the Common Parts except in the bins provided for that purpose by the Landlord


Not to allow anyone access to the Building unless they are known to the Tenant to be authorised occupiers or visitors or are there at the Tenants invitation and with appropriate permission


In the event of the Tenant becoming aware of any fire or other incident in the Building (where the Tenant is able to do so without endangering him or herself) the Tenant will ring the fire alarm or notify the authorities before vacating the Building


At the end of the tenancy (however terminated) to deliver up to the Landlord the Premises with all additions thereto (if any) and Furniture and Effects together with any articles which may have been substituted as aforesaid in good and tenantable repair and condition and to leave all water heaters and electrical appliances clean and in good working order and to leave clean all windows and also all loose covers curtains and other articles usually washed and cleaned or to pay for the washing and cleaning of such articles which shall include any maintenance and cleaning of blinds during and at the end of the tenancy. Where appropriate, curtains are to be cleaned by the Tenant to a professional standard and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Landlord


To pay any Stamp Duty Land Tax payable by the Tenant in relation to this Agreement


The Landlord must keep the structure and exterior of the Premises in good repair


The Landlord must keep the installations for the supply of water, electricity, gas and sanitation and installations for space heating or heating water in repair and proper working order


The Tenant must permit the Landlord, with or without workmen, to enter the Premises at all reasonable times upon 24 hours’ notice or in the event of emergency at any time without notice:


to examine the condition of the Premises and the Furniture and Effects


to carry out any repairs to the Premises (including (but not limited to) any repairs or remedy of Tenant’s breaches which the Landlord is at liberty to carry out pursuant to clause 5.10 hereof) and where the Tenant so requests the Landlord may arrange for a representative of the Landlord to accompany a contractor at the Premises at the Tenant’s cost as set out in the Scale of Charges at Schedule C)


to carry out works to any adjoining Premises owned by the Landlord where such works can only be carried out by having access to the Premises


to allow prospective tenants to view the Property at reasonable times on reasonable notice during the final four months of the Term


This Agreement is personal to the Tenant and the Tenant must not assign, sublet or part with or share occupation of the Premises or any part of it without the written permission of the Landlord and for which additional charges will be made


We agree that in addition to the tenant the following person(s) may live at the Property:


your children or other dependents who are under 18 years of age at the start of the Tenancy; and


the adults listed as ‘Members of the Tenant’s Household’ at the start of this agreement (if any)



You must not allow any other adults to live at the Premises without our written permission


You must not take in lodgers or paying guests, and you must not use or allow the Premises to be used other than for a private dwelling house for your own use and the use of the parties described at clauses 9.1.1 to 9.1.3 (inclusive)


Visitors should not remain at the Premises for more than two weeks without the Landlord’s written permission


Any obligation on you under this Agreement to do or not to do anything shall also require you not to permit any member of your household or visitor to do or not to do the same thing


You will not allow anyone to occupy the Premises whose immigration status does not permit them to occupy residential premises under a residential tenancy agreement (i.e. if they do not have a “Right to Rent” as set out in Part 3 of the Immigration Act 2014) and you will keep us informed if the immigration status of any of the permitted occupiers changes during the tenancy so as to remove their Right to Rent


The Deposit


The Deposit is held by the Landlord. The Landlord is a member of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme


Any interest earned will belong to the Landlord


The Deposit has been taken for the following purposes


Any damage or compensation for damage to the Premises its fixtures and fittings Furniture Appliances and Effects or for missing items for which the Tenant may be liable, in accordance with the Scale of Charges at Schedule C (subject to an apportionment or allowance for fair wear and tear and the age and condition of each and any such item at the commencement of the tenancy insured risks and repairs that are the responsibility of the Landlord)


The reasonable costs incurred in compensating the Landlord for or for rectifying or remedying any breach by the Tenant of the Tenant’s obligations under the Tenancy Agreement including those relating to the cleaning of the Premises its fixtures and fittings and the Furniture Appliances and Effects


Any unpaid accounts for utilities or water charges or environmental services or other similar services or Council Tax incurred at the Premises for which the Tenant is liable


Any rent or other money due or payable by the Tenant under the Tenancy Agreement of which the Tenant has been made aware and which remains unpaid after the end of the tenancy


Any costs reasonably incurred by the Landlord in the event that the Tenant does not permit access to the Premises by the Landlord or any party authorised by the Landlord for the purpose of carrying out repairs or planned maintenance or inspections at the Premises where the Landlord has provided reasonable notice of its intention to do so


Any costs reasonably incurred by the Landlord in dealing with a change to a provision of this Agreement (where requested by the Tenant)


Any costs reasonably incurred by the Landlord where the Tenant departs from the Premises before the end of the Term


The Landlord agrees to insure the Premises and the Furniture Appliances and Effects but not the Tenant’s personal possessions with an insurance company of repute against fire lightning explosion aircraft riots civil commotion acts of terrorism malicious damage earthquake storm tempest flood bursting and overflowing of water pipes tanks and other apparatus and such other risks as the Landlord from time to time at his absolute discretion decides to insure against


The Tenant must not do anything or fail to comply with any requirement as a result of which the policy of insurance effected by the Landlord under clause 11 above may become void or voidable or the premium under such policy may be increased


In the event that the Tenant ceases to be employed by the University of Cambridge or a student of the University of Cambridge or any College therein or following a course of study there or attached in any teaching or research capacity to the University of Cambridge or any College then the Landlord may at any time thereafter terminate this Agreement on two months written notice to that effect


At the end of the Term the Tenant must leave the Premises and the Furniture and Effects in the state of repair and condition required by this Agreement and clean and so that items of Furniture and Effects are so far as is reasonably possible in the places in which they were situated at the beginning of the Term and the Tenant shall compensate the Landlord for all claims, costs, losses and demands reasonably and properly incurred or suffered by the Landlord by reason of any breach of this clause or obligation in Agreement . The Landlord will use the Scale of Charges in Schedule C as a guideline in determining the Tenant’s obligations to remedy any damage or loss


If the Premises are incapable of being re-let or used because the Tenant has left substantial goods in the Premises the Tenant will be required to pay a sum equal to the Rent until those goods have been removed AND the Landlord is entitled to remove and dispose of any goods left by the Tenant in the Premises and recover costs of storage disposal and sale from the proceeds any balance being paid to the Tenant


If the Premises is the Tenant’s only or principal home and this is an assured shorthold tenancy this Agreement may be brought to an end at any time before the expiry of the Term and the Landlord may seek possession for any of the grounds set out in Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988


If the Tenant does not live in the Premises as his only or principal home or for any other reason this is not an assured shorthold tenancy then if at any time:-


any money payable under this Agreement is unpaid for 14 days (whether formally demanded or not); or


the Tenant breaches the terms of the Agreement; or


the Tenant becomes bankrupt, has an administration order made in respect of his assets, has a receiver appointed, makes an arrangement for the benefit of his creditors or has any distress or execution levied on his goods the Landlord may re-enter the Premises (or part of it) and on re-entry this Tenancy shall come to an end (If a person is living in the Premises the Landlord may only ‘re-enter’ if he obtains a Court Order)


All sums due to be paid under this Agreement are inclusive of VAT


None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to or will operate to confer any benefit pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 on a person who is not named as a party to this Agreement


The Premises let are held by the Landlord as an exempt charity


The rules as to the service of notices in Section 196 of the Law of Property Act 1925 apply to any notice given under this Agreement


The Tenant is notified for the purposes of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 sections 47 and 48 that the Landlord’s address for service of notices is The University of Cambridge, Estate Management, Greenwich House, Madingley Rise, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0TX or such other address as the Tenant shall be notified in writing by the Landlord


It is agreed that personal information of the Tenants will be retained by the Landlord and may be used for administrative purposes that present and future addresses and contact details of the parties may be passed to third parties including authorised contractors credit and reference agencies local authorities service providers legal advisers debt collectors and given to the HM Revenue and Customs or any person investigating a crime


In reading this Agreement:


The words defined in the Particulars page have the meaning given to them in the Particulars page


Words using any gender include every gender


Words using the singular number include the plural and vice versa


Words referring to persons include firms, companies and corporations and vice versa


Any obligation by two or more people shall be undertaken jointly and severally


Headings in this Agreement shall not affect its interpretation


Any reference to a statute shall include any amendment to or re-enactment of such statute for the time being in force and all orders, notices, regulations, by-laws, directions, instruments, codes of practice, consents and permissions made or issued under it


Any reference to the doing or permitting of any act or thing by the Landlord or the Tenant includes the doing or permitting of that act or thing whether directly or indirectly by any agent, servant, workman, contractor or employee engaged by either of them


Any agreement by the Tenant not to do any act or thing shall include an obligation not to suffer or permit such act or thing to be done

AS WITNESS the hands of the parties hereto the day and year first before written

Signed by or on behalf of the Landlord







Signed by the Tenant








1.1.1      The right for the Tenant and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by the Tenant (in common with the Landlord and others having a like right) to use the Common Parts for all proper purposes in connection with the use and enjoyment of the Premises


Inventory and Schedule of Condition

Inventory and Schedule of Condition are prepared seperately.


Additional Accommodation Regulations

The Tenant and all occupiers of the Premises agree to abide by the following conditions which form part of the Tenant’s obligations in the Agreement:

  1. Ensure the Premises are well ventilated at all times. In winter ensure there is both adequate heat and ventilation. Condensation can be a problem and is minimised by daily ventilation, heating and wiping down surfaces. Mouldy surfaces are a sign of lack of ventilation and should be cleaned with a proprietary cleaner.
  2. Clothes washing should not be draped on radiators or hung wet inside the Premises. It should only be hung outside if washing lines are specifically provided.
  3. Use a ‘bar-type’ fused electrical adaptor on a lead rather than a block-type adaptor. Do not plug adaptors into adaptors - use one adaptor in each wall socket. Extension leads should conform to BS (British Standard) 1363/A; adaptors should conform to BS 5733. Other international travel adaptors are not permitted. DO NOT try to force plugs into the wrong type of socket. The University reserves the right to remove any unsafe equipment.
  4. The refrigerator and freezer are to be defrosted regularly (once every three months minimum).
  5. Musical instruments may only be played once permission has been granted and during the hours specified. Please request this in writing. Permission, if granted, may be withdrawn at any time without notice.
  6. Please show due care and consideration to neighbouring residents when using radios, stereos, televisions or other electrical equipment, washing machines, etc. and be quiet between 10.00pm at night and 7.00am in the morning. Be careful when moving furniture and do not walk heavily - noise can carry.
  7. The Portal Facilities Management Company maintain the majority of gardens. Tenants are requested to refrain from planting, digging or altering the gardens in any way. Do not cause a nuisance for other users and do NOT damage plants, gardens or buildings with boisterous behaviour or ball games.
  8. No posters or pictures may be fixed to the walls, windows or frames by means of blue tack, glue, sellotape or any other adhesive substances. Picture hooks (not nails) may be used.
  9. Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes) is not allowed anywhere in the Premises or the Common Parts either by the Tenant or by their visitors because of the fire risk. Candles and oil burners should also not be used.
  10. Do not store bicycles within the premises except within the cycle racks where provided. Do not lock bicycles to railings or trees. They will be removed without warning for safety of other residents. Bicycles should be registered with the Accommodation Service.
  11. Do not do anything which may create or contribute to blockages to drains (e.g. by putting hair, foodstuffs, fat or cooking oil down the kitchen sink or nappies or towels in the toilet).
  12. Toys, prams and buggies should not be stored on the outside the flats in landings, in entrances or stairway areas. Tenants are reminded that all these areas are to be kept clear at all times to facilitate easy evacuation in an emergency.
  13. Tenants should insure their own personal possessions, as well as insuring against any damage to the property of the University. They will be obliged to pay for the repair of any damage caused to the Premises and/or the Building by Tenants or their visitors at the discretion of the landlord. This will include damage to the Common Parts or as a result of the removal of personal possessions and furniture.
  14. No animals or fish are allowed as pets on the premises.
  15. No subletting is allowed. Long term visitors (i.e. for two weeks or longer) will require the express prior permission of the Lodge Property Services. Requests must be put in writing and an additional charge will be made to cover the Landlord’s reasonably and properly incurred costs. Permission is not guaranteed.
  16. Please inform Lodge Property Services if the Premises will be vacant for some time so that access can be obtained in an emergency. Absences of more than 28 days must be notified in writing.
  17. All leaks or faults within the Premises should be notified to the Portal Helpdesk immediately to prevent further damage occurring.
  18. An administration charge of up to £50 including VAT may be made for any variations to this Tenancy Agreement (such as a change of Tenant in shared properties).
  19. An administration charge of up to £120 including VAT to cover the Landlord’s reasonably and properly incurred costs may be made for an early departure by the Tenant.
  20. Tenants, residents and their visitors must abide by all University, Eddington or local policies. These are regularly updated and published, and are available to view on request.

Instructions to all tenants prior to vacating the Premises

  1. Please give as much notice as possible about leaving the Premises; ideally at least 28 days. If Tenants wish to vacate early, they are liable for the rent, utility bills and council tax until a new tenant is found by Lodge Property Services or until the end of the tenancy and may be liable for the Landlord’s reasonably and properly incurred costs in accordance with paragraph 19 of this Schedule C.
  2. Arrange an appointment for the preliminary and final inspections with Lodge Property Services. All personal possessions must be removed or stored in the Premises in such a way that the rooms, walls and furniture may be clearly visible without obstruction. For the final inspection, all personal belongings and personal furniture must be removed and the Premises fully cleaned.
  3. Core Heating and Hot Water, electricity and water meter readings will be taken at the final inspection or on the last date of the tenancy if the tenant leaves early. Tenants must notify the utility companies of their departure and of the last date when liable for bills (last day of the tenancy.
  4. Provide the Accommodation Service with a forwarding address, e-mail address and telephone number. Please note that Tenants are expected to vacate by 12 noon on the day of departure - an exact time will be agreed. The Premises should be cleaned to a professional standard, including any curtains, and should be ready for the next tenant to take occupation. The Tenant shall indemnify the Landlord against any costs, losses or demands reasonably incurred or suffered by the Landlord for any breach of this provision.
  5. The Tenant shall indemnify the Landlord against any damage or loss to the Premises caused by or contributed to by the Tenant under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement and costs of repairing cleaning or otherwise rectifying the position following the Tenant’s breach will be charged in accordance with the following Scale of Charges (where applicable):

Scale of Charges

These are guidelines only and costs may vary according to property type and size.

Please discuss with the Landlord if you have any questions regarding the use of this Scale of Charges in relation to the property you occupy.

All prices are inclusive of VAT.

Item Labour charges per hour
Labour only callout charges for out of hours works that are rechargeable to the tenant Variable between £60 weekdays to £90 Sunday or Bank holidays
Call out charge for lockouts for loss of keys or forgotten cards. Does not include cost of replacement card or key Variable between £27 weekdays and £80 Sunday and Bank Hols
Accompanied visit for third party company e.g. washing machine engineer Daytime only £48 per hour

Repair or Replacement Cost

Item Cost NOT including labour / installation charge and depending on type / size of property
Kitchen work surface Up to £924 (based on a two bedroom flat, replacing one strip of work surface; removing and re-seating the sink and hob)
Hob replacement Up to £750 depending on type
Electric oven Up to £960
Grill pans and handles Up to £96
Grill handle only Up to £22
Extractor Hood Up to £300
Combined Washer Dryer Up to £1080
Washing Machine Up to £840
Tumble Dryer Up to £840
Combined Fridge / Freezer Up to £960
Fridge Up to £600
Freezer Up to £600
Dishwasher Up to £816
Kitchen Sink Up to £360
Kitchen Tap Up to £240
Dining Table Up to £480
Dining Chair Up to £144
Single Armchair Up to £420
Desk with Pedestal Up to £360
Freestanding Bookcase Up to £240
Combined Wall Unit and Bookcase Up to £480
Coffee Table Up to £216
Double Bed Bed Base £288
Headboard £78
Single Bed Bed Base £198
Headboard £60
Mattress Double £216
Single £180
Mattress Cover Double £25
Single £20
Wardrobe £600
Chest of Drawers £300
Bedside Cabinet £180
Curtains (per set) Large £240
Medium £120
Roller Blind Large Window £180
Small Window £96
Voile per Curtain £60
Wash Basin Up to £480
Bath Up to £960
Basin Taps Up to £180
Toilet Up to £480
Heated Towel Rail Up to £540
Toilet Seat Up to £144
Shower Assembly Up to £336
Replacement Laminate Flooring £90 per m² - dependent upon apartment layout. Does not include resealing and repairs due to water damage
Replacement Vinyl Flooring £180 per m² - dependent upon apartment Layout. Does not include resealing and repairs due to water damage
Removal / Disposal of Furniture £480 per Van Load
£36 per Item
Furniture Delivery Charges £60
Lost Keys and Replacement Locks Door Keys £50
Door Entry Card £20
Lock Replacement up to £132 + applicable labour costs
Broken Glass in Windows Up to £3000 - dependent on window style - quotes to be obtained from manufacturer + applicable labour costs
Window / Postbox Keys - loss or broken £20
Lightshade Up to £60 - dependent on type + labour costs
Shaver Light Fitting Up to £216
Unblocking Pipes / Drains Up to £480 - may have other charges if further works needed
Window Mechanism / Hinges Up to £50 per item - dependent on window style (quotes to be obtained from manufacturer) + labour costs
Damage to cupboards/worktops etc. such as chips, burn marks where the item is not deemed unrepairable & not replaced Up to £240 - dependent upon damage and specialist charge
Cupboard Hinges / Catches Up to £120 - dependent on part

General Admin Charges

Refill Oil Tank Per invoice + admin cost + delivery + VAT
Storage of possessions left after tenancy £75 per calendar month (maximum 3 month storage)
Abandoned Motor Vehicle £32 per day + removal costs


Walls per metre Prepare, apply 2 coats emulsion - £21 per m²
Woodwork per metre Prepare, apply 1 coat undercoat, 1 gloss coat - £21 per m²
Ceilings per metre Prepare, apply 2 coats emulsion £15 per m²
If stain block required (as well as repaint) £23 per m²

End of Tenancy Clean

  Total inc VAT
Up to (site specific)
One bedroom property From £360
Two bedroom property From £380
Three bedroom property From £400
OR, if applicable, an initial callout fee of £100 plus an hourly rate of £50/hr for further cleaning if necessary

Signed on behalf of the landlord:{{s_ls}}                __________________________________

Signed on behalf of the tenant(s):{{s_ts}}               __________________________________


Appendix 1

Tenancy Deposit Scheme: Prescribed Information for Assured Shorthold Tenancies

Prescribed Information for Assured Shorthold Tenancies

Under the Housing Act 2004, the landlord is required to give the following information to the tenant and anyone who paid the deposit on the tenant’s behalf within 30 working days of receiving the deposit.  This is to ensure that tenants are made aware of their rights during and at the end of the tenancy regarding the deposit.

a) The scheme administrator of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme is:

The Dispute Service Ltd
PO Box 1255
Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 9GN
Phone: 0300 037 1000
Fax: 01442 253193 E-mail:

b) A leaflet entitled What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?, which explains the operation of the provisions contained in sections 212 to 215 of, and Schedule 10 to, Housing Act 2004, must accompany this document when given to the tenant and any relevant person.

c) The procedures that apply under the scheme by which an amount in respect of a deposit may be paid or repaid to the tenant at the end of the tenancy are set out in the Scheme Leaflet What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?, which accompanies this document.

d) The procedures that apply under the scheme where either the landlord or the tenant is not contactable at the end of the tenancy are set out in the Scheme Leaflet: What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?

e) The procedures that apply where the landlord and the tenant dispute the amount of the deposit to be paid or repaid are summarised in the Scheme Leaflet What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme? More detailed information is available on:

f) The facilities available under the scheme for enabling a dispute relating to the deposit to be resolved without recourse to litigation are set out in the Scheme Leaflet: What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme? More detailed information is available on

(i) The Deposit

The amount of the Deposit paid is: £Deposit amount

(ii) Address of the property to which the tenancy relates

Property address

(iii) Details of the landlord(s)

Address Estate Management, Greenwich House, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0TX
E-mail address
Telephone 01223 338099

(iv) Details of the tenant(s)

Name(s) Client name
Address(es) Client current address
E-mail address(es) Client email address(es)
Mobile number(s) Client mobile telephone number

Contact details for the tenant(s) to be used at the end of the tenancy
Name(s) Client name
Address(es) Client current address
E-mail address(es) Client email address(es)
Mobile number(s) Client mobile telephone number

(v) Relevant Person’s contact details

If there is a relevant person (i.e. anyone who has arranged to pay the deposit on the tenant’s behalf) the details requested in (iv) must be provided for them, as part of the Prescribed Information.  Use the continuation sheet for this purpose.

(vi) Circumstances when the deposit may be retained by the Landlord

The circumstances when all or part of the deposit may be retained by the landlords by reference to the terms of the tenancy are set out in clause 10 of the tenancy agreement. No deduction can be paid from the deposit until the parties to the tenancy agreement have agreed the deduction, or an award has been made by TDS or by the court.

(vii) Confirmation

The Landlord certifies and confirms that:

Signed by or on behalf of the Landlord:{{s_ls}} ____________________________________

The tenant confirms that:

Signed by the Tenant(s):{{s_ts}} _____________________________________________

Responsibility for serving complete and correct Prescribed Information on each tenant and relevant person is the responsibility of the member and the landlord.  The Dispute Service Limited does not accept any liability for a member’s or landlord’s failure to comply with The Housing Act 2004 and/or The Housing (Tenancy Deposits) (Prescribed Information) Order 2007.

Appendix 2

The Government’s “How to Rent” Booklet and Prescribed Information

The “How to Rent” checklist can be found at

A hard copy can be provided on request if you do not have access to a computer.

What is the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?

An advisory leaflet for landlords and tenants

What is TDS?

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) is run by The Dispute Service Ltd. It is an insurance- backed tenancy deposit protection scheme authorised by the government.

TDS has two main roles:

What is tenancy deposit protection?

Tenancy deposit protection applies to all deposits for assured shorthold tenancies that started in England or Wales on or after 6 April 2007. By law, a landlord or agent who receives a deposit for such a tenancy must protect the deposit.

Most residential tenancies in the private rented sector are assured shorthold tenancies, with some exceptions. For example, a tenancy cannot be an assured shorthold tenancy if:

Tenancy deposit protection means:

Tenancy deposit protection schemes can be one of two kinds:

Each tenancy deposit scheme has its own rules setting out in detail how it operates. The TDS Rules are available from the TDS website and on request.

What are the legal requirements?

These are contained in sections 212-215 of, and Schedule 10 to, the Housing Act 2004 (as amended). Tenancy deposit protection applies to money received by a landlord or agent that is meant to be held as security in case a tenant does not comply with their obligations.

The landlord or agent must comply with the initial requirements of an authorised tenancy deposit protection scheme within 30 days of receiving the deposit. To protect a deposit with TDS, the landlord or agent needs to belong to the scheme, register the deposit on the TDS tenancy database, and pay a membership subscription or deposit protection charge.

A TDS member (landlord or agent) must also give the tenant ‘prescribed information’. This information is set out in the Housing (Tenancy Deposits (Prescribed Information) Order 2007. It must also be given to anyone who paid the deposit on the tenant’s behalf.

The prescribed information includes the contact details of the landlord and tenant, the rented property’s address, the deposit amount and this leaflet. The landlord or agent must also specify which tenancy agreement clauses say how the deposit can be used.

Tenants must be given the opportunity to:

What if the landlord or agent does not comply?

A landlord or agent should protect the deposit in an authorised scheme and provide the tenant (and any sponsor) with the prescribed information within 30 days of receiving the deposit. If they don’t do so, then the tenant (or the person who paid the deposit) can take the landlord or agent to court. The court can order the landlord or agent to protect the deposit or repay it to the tenant. The court can also order the landlord or agent to pay the tenant compensation of between one and three times the deposit’s value.

A landlord who has not correctly protected a deposit cannot serve a notice to end the tenancy and regain possession of it under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988. The landlord can only serve such a ‘section 21 notice’ after the deposit has been repaid or after any court case about the deposit has ended.

A landlord who has not given the tenant prescribed information within 30 days must not issue a section 21 notice until the prescribed information has been given. If this takes place more than 30 days after the landlord or agent received the deposit, the tenant can still apply to court for compensation of between one and three times the deposit’s value.

TDS cannot award compensation to tenants if a landlord or agent fails to comply with the law relating to tenancy deposit protection. This can only be dealt with by the courts.

Is my deposit protected?

Tenants can check if their deposit is registered with TDS by visiting If tenants have received a Tenancy Deposit Protection Certificate, they should enter the code number from that certificate. Alternatively they can enter their surname, the deposit amount, the tenancy postcode, and the date their tenancy started.

If a member informs TDS that the protection of a deposit should be ended, TDS will make reasonable efforts to inform the tenant before ending the protection.

If the tenancy has not ended, the tenant (or one of the joint tenants) can object to the ending of deposit protection by phoning the TDS customer contact centre.

If the tenancy has ended and the tenant is not satisfied with the proposed split of the deposit, then the tenant can ask TDS to resolve the dispute within three months after the end of the tenancy.

What happens to the deposit after the landlord or agent receives it?

The landlord or the agent will hold the deposit during the tenancy. The tenancy agreement should state who receives any interest it makes.

What happens to the deposit at the end of the tenancy?

If there is no dispute about the return of the deposit at the end of the tenancy, the landlord or agent must pay the deposit to the tenant without delay, less any deductions that the tenant has agreed.

If there is a dispute about the return of the deposit or about proposed deductions, the parties should try to reach agreement without delay. Most disputes are resolved informally in this way. But if the deposit has not been returned to the tenant within 10 days of the tenant asking for it, any of the parties can ask TDS to resolve the dispute.

If there is a dispute, what happens to the deposit?

The landlord or agent can make a payment from the deposit if:

Once TDS has been asked to resolve a deposit dispute, the landlord or the agent must send the disputed amount to TDS. By this time, the landlord or agent should have paid the tenant any part of the deposit that is not an agreed deduction or in dispute.

If whoever is holding the deposit does not send the disputed deposit amount to TDS, TDS will take legal action to recover it. This will not delay TDS in resolving the dispute. If the deposit holder cannot pay the disputed amount, for example because it has become insolvent, TDS will arrange the adjudication, pay the tenant the amount awarded by the adjudicator and make a claim to its insurers. The law requires TDS to guarantee only that the tenant receives the amount they are entitled to.

How are disputes resolved?

The person who wishes to send the dispute to TDS can do this online or by completing a Dispute Application Form giving details of the dispute, and any relevant supporting documents.

The deposit holder must then send the disputed amount to TDS. It will copy the dispute details to the other parties and give them 10 working days to consent to TDS resolving the dispute, respond to the claim, and send in their evidence.

If all the parties agree to TDS resolving the dispute, TDS will appoint an impartial adjudicator to make a binding decision, normally within 28 days of receiving the parties’ consent to resolving the dispute. If landlords and agents do not reply, they are treated as consenting. In all these cases, the adjudicator will normally make a decision within 28 days after the deadline for giving evidence.

Within a further 10 days of the adjudicator’s decision, TDS will pay the amount due to each party.

The adjudicator’s decision will be based only on the evidence sent to TDS - there will be no hearing or visit to the property.

The adjudicator’s decision is final. There is no right of appeal to TDS or to the government department in charge of the tenancy deposit protection schemes.

Further details are set out in The Tenancy Deposit Scheme Rules for the Independent Resolution of Tenancy Deposit Disputes at

What if the landlord or tenant can’t be contacted at the end of the tenancy?

TDS cannot resolve a dispute if it cannot contact the parties to get their consent to TDS being involved. In these circumstances, the deposit holder must do the following:

The deposit holder should make a formal record of these activities and support it with suitable documents.

After enough time (usually at least six years) has passed from the last contact with the absent tenant/landlord, the deposit holder may then donate the absent party’s share to a suitable registered charity - subject to a binding promise from the deposit holder that it would immediately pay from its own pocket any valid claim it later received from the beneficial or legal owner.

If the absent tenant/landlord returns within that time and seeks to dispute the allocation of the deposit, TDS may offer to adjudicate.

Is adjudication better than going to court?

Deposit disputes need to be resolved quickly and cheaply. Tenants usually need the money as a deposit on their next property, and landlords need to know how much will be available to spend on things like redecoration, damage or repairs. Going to court takes time and can be expensive and stressful.

If TDS protects a deposit and the dispute goes to court, the disputed amount must be sent to TDS. TDS will distribute the deposit once it receives a final court order showing what is to happen to the deposit.

TDS can only resolve a dispute if the deposit has been registered with TDS. If a deposit has not been registered, the parties will have to go to court if they cannot agree a settlement.

Sometimes landlords or tenants prefer to go to court. It might be better for a landlord to go to court if they have a big claim that is well above the deposit. It might be better for a tenant to go to court if they have a counterclaim - say if they had to pay for boiler repairs because the heating did not work for several weeks. TDS cannot deal with counterclaims.

Where TDS cannot accept a dispute for adjudication, TDS will notify any other party to the dispute that this has happened. The other party to the dispute may then choose to go to court or rely on the agent’s judgment if the agent is holding the deposit.

What can TDS deal with?

Using the TDS dispute resolution service is not compulsory. If either the landlord or tenant does not agree to use the service, one of them could choose to go to court.

TDS can only deal with disputes about the deposit itself, and cannot make awards that are for more than the disputed deposit. If a larger amount is disputed, you may need to go to court. TDS cannot deal with counterclaims by tenants - such as a claim for disrepair. If you are a tenant and you wish to bring a counterclaim against your landlord, you will need to go to court.

TDS cannot deal with disputes between individual tenants, or between landlords and their agents. TDS does not act as a regulator and cannot order changes in trading practices, close down businesses, or prosecute landlords or agents. However, it does try to raise standards in the private rented sector by educating tenants, landlords and agents about the cause of disputes and how to avoid them.

How much does it cost?

TDS is funded by the membership subscriptions and deposit protection charges that letting agents and landlords pay. All these fees are on the TDS website.

TDS makes no charge to tenants for protecting the deposit - although landlords or agents may pass on their subscriptions to their tenants as part of the tenancy costs. There is no charge to landlords, tenants or agents for having a dispute resolved.

Who can join the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme is open to landlords and letting agents offering residential property for rent. They will be asked to provide relevant information - as set out in the TDS Rules - to TDS before it decides whether they can be accepted as a member, and what their subscription will be.

Our guarantee of impartiality

TDS is overseen by a Board, which is responsible for operating and financing the business. The Board, and the TDS management, have no role in resolving disputes and cannot intervene in decisions about disputes. The scheme’s Head of Adjudication is responsible for resolving disputes. The most usual method for resolving a dispute through TDS is to use adjudication but the scheme may suggest negotiation, mediation or other methods.

Adjudicators work fairly and impartially. All TDS adjudicators belong to the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and comply with our Adjudicator Code of Conduct, which is available on the TDS website. The adjudicators make decisions without favour, based on the issues in dispute and the evidence provided.

TDS publishes breakdowns of awards in its Annual Reports. These give an overview of how awards are split between tenants, landlords and agents. You can see the adjudicators’ decision-making guidelines and some example case studies at

Data Protection

TDS will not use landlords’ or tenants’ personal data for any purpose except to operate the scheme (this includes compiling statistical data) and resolve disputes. From time to time, TDS may invite landlords or tenants to participate in surveys. If you do not wish to be contacted for survey purposes, please inform TDS by letter or email to the contact details given in this leaflet.

Contact Details

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme is operated by:

The Dispute Service Ltd
PO Box 1255
Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 9GN
Phone: 0300 037 1000
Fax: 01442 253193 E-mail: