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Accommodation Service

Studying at Cambridge


University of Cambridge Accommodation Service Sharers policy - Please Note: CURRENTLY SUSPENDED


Please note that at the present time, the University’s Sharing policy is suspended, and it is therefore, and until further notice, not possible to request a sharing arrangement in University-owned properties.

Those who wish to share with others should notify us at the time of application and we will be happy to assist in searching for properties in the private sector.


We are therefore also unable to accept applications for apartments with more than one bedroom from single individuals or couples and will adjust application criteria accordingly. If an individual subsequently changes their status after we have adjusted it, and receives an offer, we reserve the right to withdraw that offer.

[ Suspended: All tenants living in University-owned properties and who wish to share their homes with people who are not their partners or members of their immediate household, must seek the Accommodation Service’s agreement BEFORE proceeding with any sharing arrangement.

  1. If you are an applicant who wishes to apply for accommodation and share with another person, details of both individuals must be added to the application and one of those individuals will be the lead tenant. If the other person has an application for University residential property in their own right, this application will then be cancelled. (The same rule would apply for 2 single individuals who wish to apply as a couple)
  2. All prospective sharers must be eligible for University Accommodation in their own right, and must be registered with the University Accommodation Service, under the terms of the Universities eligibility criteria. Please see
  3. Please note that, just as students are ineligible to rent properties at Eddington, they are also ineligible to be sharers at that site.
  4. Single applicant wishing to share a property will only be permitted to share in a TWO bedroom property with one other person (couples and those living with family members are not eligible to apply to have a sharer). They cannot apply for a Three bedroom property, nor can they share a one bedroom apartment. Please contact the Accommodation Service for more details.
  5. Families will not be permitted to share with others who are not members of their immediate family.
  6. Air B’n’B. WeChat and other short term letting platforms are not permitted to be used to locate sharers or for sub-letting, and are in any case a breach of the Tenancy Agreement. Offering University-owned properties in this way is considered sub-letting and is a breach of the terms of the Tenancy Agreement.
  7. If you wish to have a sharer with you, we will require the full details of the person before we can approve them to be a sharer. We will ask to verify that person's details. If approved, they will be listed as a household member only. We will require Right To Rent details for both parties. The tenant will remain responsible for the rent and tenancy conditions. Please do note that students may not be sharers at Eddington.
  8. The sharer will only be permitted as a sharer for the duration of the existing Tenancy period. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee for any changes to the tenancy agreement during the tenancy.
  9. If the tenant wishes to leave before the end of the tenancy, the sharer will not normally be permitted to remain, and will have to move out at the same time as the tenant.
  10. If residents take in sharers without the prior agreement and permission of the University Accommodation Service, this will be considered a breach of the tenancy terms and will jeopardise the continuing tenancy.
  11. All financial arrangements between sharers must be clear, transparent and agreed before any sharing arrangement can be entered into. Once agreed, these arrangements may not be subsequently arbitrarily altered by the lead tenant in fairness to all parties.
  12. The University reserves the right to refuse permission for a sharer request, and it will be policy to deny permission where the tenant introduces sharers without first seeking permission from the Accommodation Service. ]